I'm going to come out and say it, Rocket Knight Adventures is the best game on the Sega Genesis. A bold statement, but man Konami crushed it with their Genesis games. Rocket Knight’s rocket pack controls are so intuitive and fun, hold the attack button down and release it to jet yourself forward in any of the eight directions. It opens up platforming quite a bit and it doubles as an attack. Some people love their movement options in games this by far is one of my favorites. On top of that Rocket Knight has great level design that's always throwing something new at you. It even breaks up the platforming sections with horizontal shoot-'em-up sections. One of the cooler bits is in level 3 where are you have to use the reflection of rising and falling lava to make jumps. This game also has an amazing boss fights and a lot of them to boot. Boss fights seem to been Konami is MO in the 90s. I think anyone who's played the game remembers the Rock'em Sock'em robot fight in level five.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
