Uppers 2016

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I bought this randomly years ago because i saw Daidoji was in it, it looked kinda cool and the price was the same as a pack of gum in my country.

I had NO idea about stuff like the panty slots or the horny plot when i started it so that was a surprise, and while it's not my thing it didn't bother me either.

My problem with the game is the shallow and repetitive gameplay, the AI is braindead and barely does anything, it's a little better in hard mode but it goes from boring to annyoing because the combat system doesn't feel good to play. The main gimmick of doing missions in front of girls, while a fun idea is also terribly implemented and constantly interrupts the flow of the combat and doesn't let me do what i want to do, but if i ignore it the only bit of """spice""" the game has goes away. Half the time you spend in a level consists of kiting some dudes that barely move close to the mission girls, it's not fun.

The plot and characters aren't interesting, funny or likeable enough to make me want to continue the game, there's nothing of value here.

I can have fun with simple, brainless games like Senran Kagura or Akiba's Trip, but those have fun gameplay, story and characters that make me want to continue playing (and also better customization wich i forgot to mention is important and this game is very lacking in that aspect), Upper has none of that.