21 reviews liked by AuTomaton

“What if we took the best part of Inscryption but made it Russian Roulette instead of Yu-Gi-Oh” is a helluva premise and it works really well.

This tickled my fancy in all the right ways and I just need a PvP mode so I can punish my non statistics-brained friends.

Review/Analysis: https://youtu.be/k51WEocX8QY

Really charming and fun little game, blends the look of older Armored Core with the gameplay of Earth Defense Force. Build your robot and shoot hundreds of space-bugs! Has that "minimum budget, maximum fun" quality that really reminds me of Comiket games. This thing comes at you with low-res visuals, a Kevin MacLeod soundtrack, a Saturday Morning Anime tone, and a sincere desire to show you a good time. Top-shelf Having Fun on the Computer.

A trans-femme manifesto on how much games fall short in communicating experiences outside of dominant lenses. It's a pretty straightforward and easy to use Twine format and encourages moving around throughout the text at your own pace to engage with what you're most excited by. Definitely worth the time it takes to engage with it.

And y'know...it IS weird that Mario kills babies.

tiktok stim video but mangled into a videogame



sometimes videogames are a really intense bop it session

finally a game that lets me live my fantasy of sucking up all the traffic on the 405 into a giant hole

you walk. you get pikmin. that's it. it is perfect.

When i was a kid i was angry that I never got a say in what video games my family purchased for the Wii. so i saw that we had points saved on the wii shop channel so I impulsively bought this game because it looked cool and had fun colors. My family all got super pissed at me it was worth it tho

My first ever favorite video game, when I was literally 5 years old. I adored this game and played it so much over and over again. I've played it a few times as an adult but I never get very far into it because I don't want to destroy my perfect memory of this game. I loved this game SO much.

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