May, 2024



I'll likely keep playing this as I do enjoy it, especially as a way to fill in some time with a run or two, but this marks the end of me actively playing it as a primary focus. It's taking up way too much of my time! Haha.

Hoping to somehow use it to pair doing a run with productivity someday, we'll see.


September, 2023



Been playing this actively for the past two months and with my 50th sleep report I think it's time to retire this one a bit. I still plan on playing and using it for the time being, but like less actively/invested, mostly just as a thing to do for the night time instead of really caring about min-maxing or stats or making fast progression.

I'm also going to stop logging it here. I feel like I've given it enough attention to kind of really get it and the vibe and for me it isn't really worth putting active focus on this one, but rather as just a thing to do at bedtime/morning, kinda like how Pokemon Go for me is largely just a thing to do to make walks interesting.

Anyway, yeah, lol. If something big happens like an event or something or I decide to fully give up on the game I might update this here but for now it's just taking a chill place in the back of the mind.


September, 2022


February, 2022


Well, it was nice while it lasted, but now that the switch to NYT has happened, I think I'm done.

October, 2021



Following the Animal Crossing Direct I decided to reset my island and begin anew leading up to the final big update and the DLC. I've just been burnt out on the game in a lot of ways and I felt a fresh start was the best way to capitalize on the excitement I felt after the direct. I knew it would be nice to play again and have a reason to fish and catch bugs and do turnips and all of that stuff.

So, with a heavy heart I said goodbye to Vesperia and the beloved villagers I came to love there (especially Dizzy who was with me from the very beginning to the very end; I hope our paths cross again!). And I'm sad to see the incredible amount of work I put into the island go, but I just couldn't shake the feeling that I needed a fresh start.

Long live Vesperia.


April, 2021


Finished the last remaining big tasks I wanted to complete and saw the Epilogue. With that, our journey through hell has come to a close... for now that is~