October, 2022



NSO ran out. Not sure when I'll next be able to justify the purchase. For now this is the end.


September, 2022



Gonna be honest, the book club falling apart basically killed any motivation for me to finish playing this game. Maybe I'll pick it up again, but for now this replay is definitely shelved.


July, 2021


Need a break. Have constantly been doing five minute check-ins with the game for weeks and I think what I really need is just a full on break from it until I really /want/ to play again. I have a lot I still want to do with my island before I really feel finished with the game, but right now there just isn't a lot pulling me in to play over other games. Maybe if they ever get back to substantial content releases... I guess time will tell.

June, 2021


End of Service.

An Offline Version with the rest of the story will be made available late September. Until then, the game is unplayable. Til we meet again~


I promised not to do the new late game content, Ginger Island, that was added in with the 1.5 patch until me and my friend Sierra got to experience it for the first time together on our new multiplayer farm. Unfortunately that means that, at this point, I've largely run out of big things to do and new content to experience for the time being, so I'm shelving my playthrough for now. I might pick it back up and play a little here and there, but right now marks the end of me actively playing the game at the rate I have been for the past month or so. It's been really nice diving back into the world of Stardew Valley again, but I think it's time to try out some new games until our multiplayer farm finally gets off the ground~

January, 2021



Decided to abandon this playthrough for now and maybe start a new one with the intention of fully roleplaying a character later in the year.


November, 2020


Hiatus Due to Covid Lockdown

May, 2020

March, 2020