Log Status






Time Played

0h 45m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 20, 2022

Platforms Played


Incredibly uninspired roguelite that both has no personality with the same few generic mobs and bland locations repeated ad nauseum absent of any reason to care about what's happening, and that leans into the worst traits of roguelites (many of the upgrades you find on runs amount to just soullessly making numbers go up; an over-emphasis on grinding for meta-progress).

I like the physicality of VR enough that maybe I'd be able to forgive some of these problems if the actual moment-to-moment gameplay was more enjoyable, however; turning round and moving towards enemies feels very awkward, any time you're fighting more than one enemy at once is hell as the game simply isn't built for it, due to this previous problem any time there's more than one enemy near you there's a constant anxiety that the game will make the second enemy engage you in the middle of combat, too often the combat feels like random flailing when you're not being asked to actively parry, occasionally attacks just won't register, once dodging is introduced to the mix it's far too easy for the dodge and parry indicators to be lost amongst the visual's intense love of bloom.

I didn't play much and it's possible some of these problems improve after a while, or that some of the later content is more engaging, but wow this experience sucked.