More Doom 3, what more can you ask for, it's great. And it's got a fun little gravity gun thing that they ripped off from half life.

Doom 3 was awesome. Playing on the original Xbox it's kind of mind-blowing that they were able to pull off a game like that on that hardware. Co-op that was exclusive to Xbox live with loads of fun.

Doom 64 is great. I got it free with Doom Eternal, it ended up being way better than Doom Eternal.

Darkest of days has one of the coolest concepts for a game, it just comes together really bad. It's not a very good game, but hey the Xbox achievements are easy so that's good.

Fun little arena shooter. I got all the Xbox achievements which was cool.

Open world modern warfare. The game was kind of neat.

This was a fun little Xbox arcade game that came out when the movie did. Twin stick shooter, multiplayer was fun, I like the cool Star Trek gamer pictures you could unlock. And it has all the cool sound effects and music from the new movies, I love those.

The humor is funny, the gameplay is not the greatest.

Raven squad has a cool idea, being able to play first person shooter or kind of a real-time strategy mode. It's just not very good.

Fun game. I got all the Xbox achievements.

Need for speed shift is my favorite need for speed. After this they went to open world police pursuit type games, I like the track racing.