I thought this was really boring.

This was one of the most thrilling experiences throughout my whole childhood.

One of the best horror games ever made.

I really like the way they implement dialog into the game, a nice little adventure game.

This game truly feels like working, I've never felt so drained after playing a game before.

I love this game so much, I even wrote a Steam review.

Another example of watching too much Youtube and thinking the game would be equally fun to play myself. Not only is the game barely able to load, it's also terribly hard to get into it as a newcomer. Not really my idea of fun.

I liked this Lara better than the old one.

A big improvement to the first game. It's graphically breathtaking and the gameplay is a lot of fun.

True to the way of the Wang.


I thought the gameplay was solid but I remember disliking the ending. It's still a fun stealth game.

The gameplay is really fun but I couldn't get invested into the characters or the story. It's worth a try though.

It's not a perfect game by far but it's fun, has a great sense of humour and captures a Steampunk setting that's worth exploring. While the combat is not too challenging, it's fun, the story makes you feel like you truly change something within the world of Albion and the character customisation is what you'd expect of a Fable game.
Many people take issue with the King/Queen gameplay and while I do agree that Lionhead could have done a better job, I still thought it was an interesting, morally challenging aspect that I haven't really experienced in any other game before.
This game was made in an extremely short amount of time (I blame Microsoft) yet it still manages to be a decent experience.

I'm especially in love with the aesthetics of this game and while I'm not really a fan of platformers, it still has a special little place in my heart.