Picked the game up on a whim, and didn't really realize it was a sort of sequel to two other games To The Moon and Finding Paradise until a decent bit into the game.

I have played and finished To The Moon in the past, and it is very similar in style to that game. basically amounting to a RPG maker style looking game with not that much actual gameplay, and the game itself serving as predominantly a vehicle to deliver their story.

The story itself is charming. There are some fun and personable characters you meet throughout the game, and the ultimate theme, finding meaning in one's life regardless of the looming death, is potent and heartfelt.

I'd say if you enjoyed this studios' previous games, then you will likely enjoy this one as well, and if you haven't played those, I'd recommend trying those first as there are multiple moments that would be greatly diminished if this was your first foray. Outside of that though, the games are pretty emotional games with pretty good music and a solid amount of whimsy. While I think the presentation can leave a bit to be desired at times, I think it's still worth experiencing if your in the mood for an emotional story.

Reviewed on Jan 03, 2022
