Log Status






Time Played

16h 2m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 26, 2022

Platforms Played


I was a huge fan of Assassin's Creed for several years. Unity was my last experience with the franchise, and it already lost its "magic". 6 years later, I bought Syndicate on PC and I was extremely convinced that it would be a fun game. You know, when Unity came out there was all this controversy about Assassin's Creed games coming out once per year and how this was not helpful for the quality of the product and for the game devs as well. When Unity came out, it was a disaster. It was full of bug, glitches, the game would crash very often, and this situation was labeled as the result of crunch and not enough development time. So Syndicate was actually the last Assassin's Creed game to come out just one year later from its predecessor. At the time it came out there were plenty of good reviews, saying it was a step forward in the right direction from Unity, and that was more enjoyable and blablabla. Now, after playing for quite some time, after 16 hours on PC, I found myself very bored. I even bought Unity on PC to try it out and... my god. I played it for like 30 hours in 5 days. Syndicate uses the same engine as Unity and it borrows many things of its gameplay, but it just feels even more unpolished that Unity was. Movement feels more clunky, stealth not as effective, London is stunning and it remains a feast for the eyes even many years later, but it feels boring to move from one place to the other. Parkour doesn't seem so well implemented as it was in other games, and that's because now we got... carriages. Don't misunderstand me, I love that Ubisoft tried to implement a new way to move around the map, but for me it just doesn't work. Every time a mission asks me to use a carriage and follow someone, or defend a NPC while driving, it bores me. The concept of switching between Jackob and Evie it's very interesting though, I liked it but I ended up playing as Evie for most parts of the game because I prefer a stealthy gameplay. I don't know, I really thought I'd like Syndicate, but while playing it, I just missed the old Assassin's Creed core gameplay. For me, Unity was already going in a direction I wasn't a fan of, and Syndicate diverted once again from what I really liked about Assassin's Creed. The story didn't interest me at all, Jacob and Evie had some charisma, but in the end I didn't like them as much I liked Ezio, Edward or even Arno. I'll give a last chance to the franchise with Assassin's Creed Origins, since my friends recommended it to me for its story.