The next is a reddit comment by a user named "Mahboishk
" but it represent exactly what i think:

NES version is the original. While I love it, it's not perfect. It's very impressive use of the hardware, but the technical limitations are immediately apparent (Mario doesn't wear any blue, mushrooms might change colors in certain levels, etc.) And then there's no save or returning to previous levels. I prefer the sound in the NES version for some reason. The newer versions sound too "tinkly" if that makes any sense.

SNES version looks a lot better while preserving the original's art style. It's also a lot darker, though. You can save IIRC, which is a nice touch.

GBA version has the most content out of the SMB3 ports, and there are special E-reader levels and items (Idk how to unlock them, but emulators will probably go through those hoops for you). Graphically it's identical to the SNES version, but it suffers from poorer sound, voice clips, and the smaller play field.

Overall, my vote goes this way: SNES, NES, GBA.

Reviewed on Jun 18, 2023
