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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 21, 2023

First played

November 20, 2023


Absolutely hilarious that Samuel Hayden decides the best way to try to kill Doomguy after going through a William Birkin mutation is by hitting him with Touhou attacks.

Originally played this when it released, but I thought I was Big Dick McGamer and chose Ultraviolence after not playing the game that has you using your controllers and keyboard like you're playing Through the Fire and Flames and rightfully got my shit canned so bad I said "that's enough of that for today!" and never returned. Now I'm back and beat the game's ass so I think I'm doing pretty good.

The coolest part of TAG is how confident the devs are in your skills and the arsenal they've prepped that they just dump the most insane nonsense at you. It's the FPS version of DMCV dumping a Fury into a swarm or Bayonetta hitting you with Gracious and Glory and then telling you to do something about it. It rules. Yeah there's still the silly tutorials telling you how to deal with something but that's like 2% of the chapter. Also, Andrew Hulshult's tracks are really good too. Glad he didn't just try imitating Mick Gordon even if some things can't really be avoided seeing as this is the modern sound of Doom now. Especially after how brutal the falling out (LMFAOOO) he had with Bethesda and id would have been in really bad taste otherwise.

Excited to start Part Two and witness the conclusion to this absolute nonsense crackhead story.