Gonna preface this by saying Jill is easily the coolest character in the entire series and this still a huge comeback after the JUSTing she received in RE5 lmao

Presentation of this game downright gorgeous from lighting with heavy emphasis on deep shadows and saturated colors as opposed to RE2 2019's more black and darkness with natural colors. Deffo prefer the look of this game to that one. Both look fantastic tho RE engine wizard tech.

That aside feel really frustrated and conflicted whenever I talk about or play this game. There's so much it does well but also so many things that bring it down. Wouldn't call it terrible or even mediocre but it really does leave you with a bit of an empty bittersweet feeling as opposed to the hype and nostalgic excitement RE2 leaves you with. All the cut areas don't really hurt much on a first playthrough but on repeats you really feel it. Hospital overstays its welcome and easily features the worst section of the game with ANOTHER stupid RE4 cabin sequence.

Shame about Nemesis too. His boss battles are really cool and fun but he is only stalkerman for like the first 90 minutes, in a game that can be around 6 hours on a first run. Even less time if you speed through the game. If you told me 10 years ago I would find Mr. X more of a threat than Nemesis I would have laughed in your face.

Music on point this time around though another thing I definitely prefer over RE2 with its recreation of original RE3 tracks as opposed to the more minimalist approach of its predecessor.

Love how this feels compared to RE2 as well. Jill controls so well and smoothly compared to Claire and Leon that if I went right back to 2 I would probably feel kind of annoyed at the low running speed. My hottest take in regards to this one do be that this is the best feeling RE engine Resident Evil. Even more than Village, so that's definitely its biggest achievement.

Really the thing most going against this game is its super short production schedule. It should have been delayed for a few more months or a year or just been marketed/released as a big DLC add on for 2. The fact RE2 was updated with a section on the menu to take you the PS store so you can buy this should speak volumes haha

Original RE3 wasn't really one of my favorite growing up and I really didn't grow to appreciate it much until my late teens when I replayed all the games leading to 6. So while I can empathize with people's problems with the remake I'm not really as bothered by them to the point of being entitled and calling it absolute dogshit.

tl;dr dope ass game that's problematic due to short dev time and is not as good as its predecessor overall but also has things that it does better

"You want S.T.AR.S. I'll give you S.T.A.R.S." being interruptible by Nemesis punching you and putting it while running away from him instead of turning him into chili con carne at the end is unforgivable though game ruined.

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
