I don't know kiddies I think I'm all Doom 3'd out after playing it nonstop for almost a week.

Never played this before cause when I last played Doom 3 I was a dumb stupid kid that thought this slow horror shit wasn't Doom. Don't let that fool you, it is Doom and this ain't bad, but it's more of what already came before it. Cool to see some new areas of the UAC facility explored and this basically combines (most) all the monsters and weapons from base Doom 3 and ROE into a single package. It's also only around 90 minutes making it abridged and blitzed Doom 3 which is cool if you got a hankering for Doom 3 but don't feel like going through the 7-8 hour Doom 3 campaign. Probably the most action packed Doom 3 anything too thanks to its short length. Also most likely contradicts everything in the main Doom 3 story, but who cares all Doom canon now according to 2016 and Eternal.

Gonna go ruin all this Doom 3 goodwill with the Doom movie since let's be real it's the final part of this Quadrilogy. The Alien Resurrection of Doom 3 if you will. This was really all an exercise to see how many times I could say Doom 3 in this review of an expansion of Doom 3 that ends the Doom 3 saga.

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2023
