I would like to formally apologize for misrepresenting this game. If I have ever referred to this as a "gaslight gatekeep girlboss" experience, know that in fact Princess Elise has gates locked from her until she completes her quests, and is also gaslit on the veracity of her adventure. Such a statement in fact is only roughly 33% true. I promise to do better.

Oh, I guess there's also the part where I really didn't like this game, coming to the conclusion that it was a tedious chore after... 30 minutes of playing? It's weird, but despite overall liking the game more this time around, I honestly don't disagree with anything I said. Most of this game revolves around really tedious fetchquests. I guess over time it sorta turned into that typical comfortable JRPG vibe, but there were definitely points where it devolved into repeating stuff over and over just to get that one last thing.

Although one upside to having barely played the game before is that there was a couple more interesting mechanics than I expected. In fact, the only reason I picked this game up again was because I saw it in a video, and it has dungeon crawling I was not aware of. The sort of typical grindy JRPG combat makes more sense when you've got to manage your resources through a whole dungeon, especially as you often need to leverage your pouting abilities to lower the difficulty enough to get through the whole thing.

Of course, I guess that's what leads into what's really important, which is how simply epic Princess Elise is. Imagine playing a game where your main character isn't so spoiled as to be able to terraform the very Earth. Every time she speaks will become the rawest line of all time.

Although beyond the comedy factor, I thought her journey to become an adventurer was a little more interesting than I went in expecting. At first it's mostly farcical, with the ever dreaded "gamer humor" I noticed way back when. But over time, as there's more of a need for an actual hero, her uh... unique skill set lets her fill that role really well. Which kinda fits with how you gradually get better at leveraging her spoiled princess skills to get through dungeons with more resources to fight the boss (particularly the relatively expensive one to weaken all the enemies). Having to drop the boss's level by 10 and then stunlock them a bunch is a very fitting way to be an epic video game hero in the most Princess Elise way possible.

Overall, though, it's just kind of an alright RPG. I don't know if it's really worth it just to experience the very funny protagonist and her neat story. I guess why I was so mad about this the first time around was because "kind of alright RPG" pretty quickly turns into a slog if you're not really in the mood for it. I'm at least glad I got more out of this game the second time around.

Don't really feel like editing all my random lists that put this game so low, so I guess they'll just stay as is. What, you think someone can just spend 100 Pout Points to edit all of them?

why do i hear mid jrpg battle music

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2023
