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This is Dig Dug without the DIg... so I guess it' just DUG

The idea of taking this Namco icon with really dstinct gameplay idea nad just... get rid of it almost entirely is indeed weird, but honestly
The final result is not the worst thing in the world.
You got Dug, stuk in a island or something, and e is gonna kill all of the enemies near him, either by pumping them to death, or by literally dig the grounnd around them to make them fall in water. It's a weird blend that combine pump action and enemy swarimng with map manipulation... which in a sense is still the core of OG Digdug

It's a simple concept but the game plays a lot with it: I especially remember Stage 10 (I am pretty sure was that one), where you got an island made of 2 sections: you are on the left alone, and on the right you got a whole squad of like 10 enemies ready to beat you up.... figure how to destroy your own part of the island to trap them all.

But aside from these fun gimmick stages, the game doesn't really evolve from that: enemies never change, challenges are not that impressive after a while and the formula quickly becomes repetitive.

It' not a bad experience, just a bit of a mediocre one.

Also Digdug life icon reminded me of the Amogus crewmate, I dunno why