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Eheheh Resident Evil is funny.

It is considered one of the pillars in the horror genre, a series able to scar and horror some of the toughest horror players around.
And it does that...... sometimes.....
SOmetimes it will present you a grim environment full of undead/almost undead enemies, where you never feel 100% safe; sometimes it limits your resources so much that your only options is to run away from an empending doom.... sometimes it lets you wander around for hours to solve a stupidly complicated puzzle (AM I STUPID OR THE CHIURCH PUZZLES ARE OVERLY COMPLICATED???)

But it is also an incredibly dumb game, full of over-exaggerated action, hilariously cheesy lines and one of the stupidest stories of any horror franchise.

It's a incredible mix which works surprisingly well, and Resident Evil 4 is the prefect ambassador of it. It a title that excludes anything that came before, presenting a mostly isolated setting, full of memorable sequenced sections full of variety and replayability, and the ability to control one of the most badass protagonists ever conceived.

It doesn't completely lack some jank, and none of the "chapters" are 100% enjoyable, but overall this game is a masterpiece that any fan of videogame should give a shot.

Able to stand out even after the stunning remake.