Majora's mask is one of those gems that everyone praise and everyone will consider the biggest videogame ever made. Over the years I tried to play it in different ways but I never been 100% into it
Most of the time I gaslighted myself by thinking "I don't get it" or "I am the problem and I don't play it correctly"

But I decided to give it a definitive shot and finally finish it thanks to the NSO
And after clearing all the dungeons, completing a lot of the side quests and beating the final boss without the Fierce Deity mask, I concluded that..... imo Majora Mask is not a game for everyone

The idea behind the game is phenomenal: a race against time against the literal end of the world, an end that only Link is able to escape thanks to a clever implementation of the Ocarina of Time, the only big artifact returning from the prequel. An incredible idea with a more than incredible realization in terms of its portrayal of Termina: the townsfolks you meet in this world are not regular NPCs, but real people, with deep backstories, realistic routines and actual emotions and reactions to the moon falling. You actually want to know and pass time with all of the friends and comrades you meet in Termina..... so it hurts even more when the final night approaches and all you can do is just..... go back, as they just run desperate, accept their fate, hide the truth to the kids, or straight up serving alcohol to their younger sister so she will not feel anything.......

I have never seen this vibe in a piece of media, let alone a nintendo game. To this day this defines Majora's mask, and it is enough of a reason why EVERYONE should try this title.
Of course this feeling can be alienating for a lot of people, specifically because Link gets treated like dirt by the townsfolks in the first 3-days cycle and what you have to do when you first arrive is not really clear.

I also like the idea of the villains of the game. Skull Kid is a tragic figure that you feel sorry for as you advance throught your mission. I also like how nobody points out about the freaking nightmarish moon, and you technically can't even notice it until it's too late, only hint of the impending doom is the music speeding up to raise your heartbeat.

What Majora's Mask accomplishes in terms of its atmosphere and message is immaculate.... but actually playing the game? Ehhhhhh I am not 100% into it sadly. The concept of the 3 day cycle and the fact that every npc has its own routine is incredible for a worldbuilding perspective, but in terms of completing a task or obtaining a specific item (especially if required to reach the end of the story) it means that the game leaves the player with small windows of time where either everything is done perfectly, or you have to restart the whole side mission again and again, a issue I find even by applying the Inverted Song of Time to slow down the cycle.

Need to search for your horse to reach the new dungeon? You gotta go to the ranch but to reach the ranch you need a power keg, that you can obtain only if you complete the task at the goron village, but also remember to buy it later at the goron in the bomb shop for 50 rupies (that you need to farm if you don't have a deposit), a task that takes half a day meaning that you don't have the chance to talk to Romani to fight the aliens, meaning that you need to restart to the first day so she doesn't get kidnapped. This lets you get Epona but now that you got the horse to proceed in the main task, you better don't do it otherwise you have to refight the aliens to have a chance to accompany Cremia to fight the evil Luigis so she can give you the mask to go buy milk, but keep in mind that the bar doesn't give you a glass so you gotta bring your own what kind of bar doesn't have glasses.... GASP.

THE FREAKING GIBDO in Ikana are the worst: I swear, do people like this annoying series of fetch quests? Some of them are just the most tedious "ok go back to this area to find the racist deku that sells Beans, than go to get the milk but they are only open at night so go dance with the scarecrow to make pass the time, then go find a fish that can be hard to find if you don't see it inside the shop.... and all of this to eventually have the chance to enter the Ikana castle where another freaking Power Keg is required so go back in town rebuy a power keg and come back to ikana and have a chance to proceed.

So yeah these types of quests feel kinda tedious. If these were optional I wouldn't mind those being so convoluted.... but considering that the game cannot be beaten without some of them makes their more vague progression a bit irritating to go through.

Of course the reward with the character interaction is memorable: Cremia sharing her troubles at the farm, or the reconciliation of father and daughter in Ikana canyon.... the bartender saying during the last day "everyone left but I will stay open to hope that a trusted customer will come..... and you came! Thank you!" Shed me to tears (like bro don't make me cry I just want some milk). All of these moments are incredible... the issue is that I had no fun in the middle sections to reach these moments, which I felt was just a series of task that can result tedious or kinda not intuitive. Add to that the presence of stricht schedules to accomplish your tasks and I feel this may not be an experience everyone will enjoy.

The dungeons are bangers though. All 4 of them are really fun to navigate and have a great sets of gimmicks. Only exception may be the Great Bay dungeon but mostly because I feel the swimming can be a bit clunky. Also screw that boss fish.

So yeah, Majora's Mask? A title that everyone should give a shot at least once in their life. An experience like no other..... even though its weirder gimmicks and time management shenanigans may not be everyones' cup of tea.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
