i stopped playing after the rape minigame

EDIT: started again! i stopped playing after the boss that strips your character naked

edit: i beat the game! as funny as "stopped at the rape minigame" is, i do have thoughts about this game

very few games i play are truly offensively bad, but udg sadly deserves this title. udg is a mediocre survival shooter wrapped around in a lengthy, poorly written visual novel half. this visual novel has very little depth, only really important due to it's relation to it's home series. i would argue it's much less "well written visual novel" and more "too many fucking overwritten cutscenes". i could do a whole book review on this games plot, but there's a very large chance it's not worth the time compared to everything else. there is sections of this game in the latter half that come off as problematic, things like the kotoko train scene, the boss fight at the shrine, and most scenes that try to grapple with child abuse, but i can't comment on them too much. i will say that all of them are disgusting and shouldn't be in any media without more competent, self aware writers.

the gameplay is sluggish and mediocre. i thought this was like, an attempt at immitating resident evil, but there's no horror? the survival shooter aspect made me think the gameplay could be good, but danganronpa refuses to sacrifice it's characters or monokuma enemies to have a hostile environment (which could have worked very well, because this game's art style is great). enemies in the overworld are dispatched in the same way, the games standout combat enconters are the minigames. they're fun, but never really surpass the enjoyment factor of... flash games from 2006? they remind me a lot like them, and they're fun, but they don't fit anything else the game is trying to do.

it breaks my heart this game is as awful as it is, because in spite of it's flaws, i do like danganronpa. the devs showed too little restraint in making this game, and it's messy, unfocused, crude, unclever, unconfident, and unfun. i can only recommend this game for those who are truly curious about how bad it is. even then, it's relevance to the larger series is capstoned by an episode in the sequel anime.

do not recommend.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2021
