Megaman z3 is really fascinating to me. One thing is that only in the third game of the third subseries of a bargain bin platformer ip manages to hit a really nice stride, but also how divisive it is for me. The big one for me is the EX system. I don't think such crucial pieces of the game should be rewarded by playing well, but the EX system encourages you to play well and fast in a way that most other megaman games don't. It's because of this system and replaying levels that z3 took so long for me to beat, relative to the rest of the series. And I... don't hate it?

it's also odd how fast this game flied past me, when everyone i hear worships this game to death. it gives me incredible cognitive dissonance hearing everyone worship this game, and to me, on my first playthrough, it's just like okay. i'm destined to replay this and love it, but the first playthrough was certainly fine.

on a less philisophical note, z3 was pretty good! i loved the spectacle in stages like the rocket and the final boss, and it felt like every stage had something new and awesome in store. i liked how much customization there was in between all the chips, it feels streamlined and complex (much to the ire of x5 and mm&b). i loved how genuinely long the game was, with 4 extra stages from the rehashes and x, making this narrative feel long and winding. inti creates carved out an awesome niche in zero, relative to the other games in the megaman franchise quadrilogy. i hope z4 is just as good, and zx learns a thing or two when it's their time

Reviewed on Aug 23, 2023
