2 reviews liked by Bandikuu

idk how many times i've beaten this dogshit ass braindead scumfuck piece of filth mental dickface

but it's a lot

The dev mentioned in their notes to the player that anyone streaming this or reviewing this should remain respectful so I will try my best to stay that way (and I am going to fail). For the value I got out of it, it was a neat little experience and quite detailed for something made in RPG Maker 2000. I also kinda personally enjoyed just how unapologetically brash the story is in its violent theming. It could very easily be written off as being over-the-top on purpose but I'm not within that mindset.

The way the story is presented, sadly, is about as blunt as a bat Russell probably used to bash someone's head in at some point in his life. You basically know exactly what happened to make a freaky event go on. As I've mentioned in my Imaginary Friends review, that's one of the key pitfalls of amateur storytelling. Not that it can't be done right; I think OMORI does a good job of doing it by spacing out harsh answers with periods of intrigue as you try and piece together the twisting plot. I know for sure not everyone will agree with me on that opinion, though.

Gameplay also suffers a lot. It's about as default RPG Maker as it gets. The customizable party members bit is neat, though not novel enough for it to jump out to me. In addition, enemy battles sometimes seem trivial with me mashing the auto button while the boss fights kick my teeth in with how quickly they wipe out my party. I assume when Nintendotubers talk about saying they hate turn-based JRPGs, they assume they're like that.

I was able to make it to about Day 4 before I gave up. Maybe the game gets way better after where I'm at but for now I'll put this off. When I'm a better RPG player I'll try and come back to this one. And I suspect I'll love it more then!

I will say, this game definitely deseves to be given the remaster treatment. It'd be nice to have this with various QoL improvements, widescreen, and Steam achievements considering how jam-packed with side content there is, almost overwhelmingly so.

All in all, this game has a ton of potential and I am for it but it was ultimately not for me.