i think i'm prolly gonna make a video or sumn on this one, there's a lot to talk about. you can tell this was made by jrpg fans and is at times both a blessing and a curse.

to put it briefly, lots of borderline amateurish and inept game design is tolerable or at least excusable simply because the game excels, to an extent absolutely best in class, where it truly matters.

if the sequel can match this game's highs and iron out the creases it'll be a gold standard for the jrpg genre, but as this game stands, i'd likely fully recommend to anyone even a little curious. its a great entry point if you are unfamiliar with the genre, and if you are a jrpg enthusiast, this game brings a lot to the table that can be hard to come by around these parts. looking forward to seeing what's next!

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
