Really good 3D platformer that really understands the strengths of the genre and what could be done with it now that it was no longer restrained by the PSX/N64 limitations. Love the seamless transitions between levels, and the way levels are structured that you constantly see something new to do while never feeling lost, even in the biggest levels.

My biggest complaint with this game is that I had a hard time gauging the distance between me and enemies, so when I tried to spin attack at them I very frequently did not do it close enough and ended up getting hit. Health in this game is given out very scarcely, and while death isn't as consequential as games like Mario 64 due to the checkpointing, there were several instances of me respawning farther than I should have from where I died, as sometimes checkpoints didn't work where they should have. Combine this with the problem I had with hitting enemies and I had a lot of pretty frustrating moments. Still, this is definitely one of the best in it's genre, and I'm glad I finally got to play it.

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2020
