still masterpiece
cried again

no huge change compared to original
different setting, better gameplay, worse story
hot woman the sequel

doom if it was realistic
kill nazi robots
become ungovernable

goodfellas the game
perfect missions and characters
dev that made the race needs to be arrested

shooting mechanics serve their purpose
overhated story
batman punisher if he could hack

makes you feel unstoppable
gave me motion sickness
slice and dice

generic but decent main plot
perfect satisfying gameplay
8/10, would invade bolivia again

confusing for newbies to get into
boring and overly difficult for solo play
real life version is more fun

campaign is decent, but basic
lots of fun multiplayer modes
no more new content coming :(

expands on sw universe well
lightsaber + force powers work amazing for gameplay
too much backtracking for fun exploration

interesting time period
serviceable story
slightly repetitive and boring gameplay

darker survival mixed with an uncharted-like adventure story
satisfying bow and arrow combat
hot woman

great game for relaxing
satisfying and addictive gameplay
good game for people that suck

difficult to understand easily
difficult to win without hours of planning
game sucks, would play another turn