this one isn't as good as 3 and 4.
some of the cosmetics are cool, but a lot of it is nostalgia bait (which the fanbase is 100% falling for), the new mode is a fun concept, but isn't too fun in execution.
especially with all the Halo 3 playlists, this really feels like 343 giving into Halo Fans' desires of wanting to constantly be reminded of the past.
and it's working, and bringing a lot of positive attention to the game.

hopefully this leaning into nostalgia doesn't leak too much into gameplay; fucking up balancing for "casual players".
this season could either be an off step towards a wider image of what halo can be, or the beginning of Halo Infinite becoming cheap nostalgia bait, while sacrificing it's balancing, or unique style.

this one gets a 3.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2023
