Well, I'm not speaking too much on the story but compared to what we have in 1 & 2, it's a bit different. We have some political issues that helps the story to run and get to full speed. Altough it has a slow start, I didn't think on it as bad, because it is necessary to some development, and believe me, the game would be even more hated if this didn't happen.

The gameplay didn't aged too well, the adventure mode is okay, but the dash gameplay can stress you at a first moment, but it's not like a thing of another world, you can grasp it throughout the gameplay.

The combat of this game has some issues, the blocks by the opponent are too excesive, even the timing of it (the guy can block with MATRIX reflexes, fast as f***), you can think that the developers was wanting to give value to another parts of the combat, but non-cutting or shooting weapons can be break out all in the opponent's guard (they don't even suffer any damage), wich results in a frequent use of grapples.

Another aspect that can keep far some players is the heat accumule. Inicially it takes a certain time to be retained, but it can get a little better by the use of "Tauriner" products (fill the heat bar) or getting some habilities. Heat actions work, but in bosses their damage is, in the condition that I played (All atributes in level 9), too little.

Some fight styles of some bosses or "side bosses" also has a weird moveset, like using only guns and run only to shoot again, plus the blocks (everybody here blocks at least one time in the attack), makes some fights to have a bigger lenght.

Substories here are majorly OK, but some of them has more dept, bringing historic and/or cultural points to the situation. You might not be willing to do them, but they're good (some of them are really good, and will help you a lot to develop Kiryu.

About another minigames and hostess, I didn't play them too frequently; at maximum, karaoke; so I can't discuss too much on them

So, to me, as someone that played this game after Kiwami 1 & 2 (The only ones along with an uncomplete experience of the fist game on the PS2), I went to this game knowing what to expect, a dated game that has his issues. Altough I hardly saw any good speech about the game, I was interested in see the major part that the game can offer and I don't regret at all. The game has a good story and charismatic characters (especially Rikiya and Mine, respectively, to me), the secondary features are also good to me.

The game canno't have the best gameplay, but, knowing all the others games's stories, I can affirm, even with it doesn't having 5 stars, thats my favourite from the saga.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
