Good game, I can understand why it got a sequel. Not very much of a curve in difficulty nearing the end it's more like a spike.

Bosses are pretty pushy or just annoying depending on what they have, and a lot of the game feels pretty same-y.

A lot of these things are fixed in the sequel which is good, but this game really should have cut down on some shit.

This was the first game to make me cry.

I think the story is one you should absolutely experience as it feels like a noire film with each case.

I do think if you want a full open world then I would stay away, but for me I was playing for the story.

I would also reccomend playing on something like a console or a pc, as on the go is kinda meh in my opinion for this.

This game is like one of the greatest things to grace this earth.

Legitimately this game is such a great experience and I can't really say more without spoiling it.

Play it, play the DLC and you'll probably understand.

Basically takes the first game, makes it better and also lets Raz do the zilch dance.

Only complaint? Too short for my tastes but it's very fun nonetheless.

This game more or less takes what made stuff like DMC1 fun and just makes it better, and takes the stuff that made it not fun and cuts it down. Being a prequel lends it very well to making an origin story for Dante and contextualizes a bit of 1.

The style system is amazing as you're able to do so much with it for your own playstyle and weapon switching is great because the types of combos you can pull off are amazing.

Fuck the final boss though.

Dragon Hunter World actually but the game is really fun so who really cares man

First half of the game is really fun. Second half gets more tedious with me giving up in that teleporter area.

This game is good, but compared to stuff like DMC3 it's a way less full experience.

A lot of the dialogue is cheesy from Dante and that adds to the charm.

Combat is fine but I feel kind of spoiled from DMC3 with the weapon switching on the fly and 4 styles to pick from.

Overall a good play and a good game, but stuff like DMC3 existing does it little favours.

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I played this on the Nero/Dante storyline.

The story is bland. A basic "I gotta save my love interest and uncover a really big conspiracy" song and dance is really whatever. The second half of the story is just backtracking as Dante then you play as Nero for the final bit which culminates where I stopped with a dogshit ass board game boss rush and one of the most silly bosses ever. DMC has some annoying bosses in Arkham from 3 and this is somehow WORSE. Without going into too much detail all I can say is it lacks the fun of other bosses.

The combat is good though, Nero's devil bringer really adds a new level of depth and Dante being able to switch styles on the fly is addictingly fun to just spam, but also allows for a lot of versatility in your play compared to 3's choice at the start of a level.

Overall I think there is a good game here but it's held back by a lot of things that add up to an overall just "okay" experience.

I've never played a GTA before but this game was really enjoyable for me on a playthrough. I really enjoyed Micheal and Franklin's arc's with Franklin learning to not be ashamed of who he is and Micheal reconciling with his family.

People overshadow this game for the online though which sucks cause the online is ass imo

This game is fun but I really don't like what DE has done with some of the new updates just content-wise.

Also this game has a lot of grinding, like a lot. I would say it would be less bad if the crafting didn't have some shitass timers. Like yeah I get it I need to take time to make stuff but I spent however long getting the gun parts, let me go nuts.

Good game, but the direction it's going kinda pushes me away, and that's fine.

This game has some botox or something it barely shows age