so those really werent just random screenshot highlight moments the whole game really is just like that okay lmfao

yea this is a comedy visual novel tht pokes fun at a lotta diff things in an edgy humor kind of way that honestly gives me online webshow or even offhanded abridged anime series off of youtube vibes in it's tone and humor but no jumps or referential shit it relies on rly. It's super dumb but it also does feel like it's trying to same something serious and straight with you but in such a cynical way it comes off as excessive but also SOMETIMES PRETTY REAL and u hh hhh UHhHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.........
So is it a good game?
I Think It Might BE!

I saw like four different endings out of god knows how many exist within the game and I think i got my fill out here, there's a sequel or something that dropped last year but ill wait for ppls opinions on if its worth looking at or not

I think sometimes theres jokes too grating tht dont rlly fit my sense of humor totally but each time you discover a new thing within this its really fun seeing just how fast shit hits the fan
if you aint got a palate for this type of shit though you may just find it completely and purely cringe

also i think something thats technically not even a fullblown joke tht i found really funny was how they made the lacross jock not named kyle or tyler but split the diff n called his ass Kyler

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024


2 months ago

also to clarify, it bein dumb is part of why its fun

2 months ago

re-up is just as edgy but takes itself more seriously and has better production quality (granted that's not saying a ton on the visual front)

either way i'd say re-up is an improvement. or at least a sidegrade. i thought class of 09 was perfect and i thought the re-up was also perfect