I knocked this out in like less than 2 hours maybe 1 hour and i gotta say, yep.
Like this is an easy rpgmaker classic. Checking this one off the list I think all i have left to do is play Omori
The first time I booted up this game I actually didnt play more than 10 minutes because the visuals were actually hurting my eyes lol. But that was like 7 years ago and nowadays ive played and seen much more eye straining content and its really not that bad. This game breaks many conventional turn based rpg norms while also having a really basic premise, I guarantee nobody has ever thought they needed to grind in Space Funeral.
I straight up sold my MP restoring items and I used healing items but i always felt like i had too many and would sell those. The combat got so simple that I genuinely just did the Blood Rush attack where you poison yourself and do extra damage... every time and it always worked pftftft
But Space Funeral's best attributes to me were in the absurdity of the adventure and the presentation of it all

Reviewed on May 12, 2021
