im shelvin this i cant fucking take it anymore dude
i just hate spike chunsoft

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2022


2 years ago

ill be back for this one later but holy shit i just
its just so conflicting

2 years ago

Any reason why? I liked aspects of it but the creepy writing in places jfc.

2 years ago

the aesthetics are really good, music is nice and hell i even actually like the characters but the horny as fuck humor substituting spaces where it feels like it should get serious really upsets me. Im not even a prude or anything but god DAMNNNM, and then Iris drops a plot bomb thats in relation to a mainstay plot point and Its just like "the Fuck dude" and apparently from what ive heard with other ppl and hard skimming reviews.. that plot bullshit isnt even going to make any sense unless u finish the 'route' and then i found out there was ROUTES in this and im like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. christ.
I think AI Somnium Files has a lot of good ideas but every time i think im into it theyre doing some stupid shit to pull me out of it. And i dont get why theres timers for the psync segments, it doesnt really add tension at all it just kinda makes me be like "oh okay ill just fail while bumbling around and then on the second or third attempt ill get everything" it just feels like its taking longer than it needs to get into what makes the game Special. It's maddening

2 years ago

@FallenGrace i dont think backloggd has a mentions feature but if you look back in here thats a handful of reasons why
yeah the parts I didnt like were the cringy moments, the actual gameplay somnium portions, some of the characters really sucked (mizuki) and how inconsistent the tone is. I actually didn't mind the horniness as much
999 stays winning