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This is one of the easiest 5 stars I've ever given. This game is amazing and a must play. A cross between Dark Souls and a Metroidvania, this game has such a satisfying gameplay loop.

Combat is fluid, easy to grasp and hard to master. The map and its evolution as you uncover more of it is amazing. On so many occasions did I have an "Oh shit" this leads back to this other section I was in previously and had no idea.

Bosses are well spaced out and have enough variety in them to keep things interesting and fair. So many games have unfair bosses but Hollow Knight strikes that balance between getting your arse kicked for bad play and feeling like a god when you perfect a fight.

New unlocks are meaningful and aid in movement, combat and exploration making everything feel useful and necessary.

The art style and characters are also interesting and well developed with most having just enough dialogue to keep you engaged in their story. The game even takes inspiration from Dark Souls by locking you out of certain NPC storylines if you don't speak to them at certain points within your progression.

Overall, if you haven't played this game, it is 100% worth a play even at full price although it can be picked up rather cheaply at under £7 or so these days.