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Looks good, sounds good, plays...interestingly. It's not that the controls are extremely terrible, but they're certainly not great. But in a way I suppose it helps you get the feeling that you're really piloting a monstrous humanoid tank packing crazy ordnance when it takes you 5+ seconds to turn around. Some of the levels felt very impressively sized considering the time of release. The story is kind of in the background, so you can pay as much or little attention to it as you want, and which missions you accept change the way that story progresses. Very neat idea for replays. Speaking of neat ideas, the emblem editor is pretty full-featured for a free sprite art editor in a PS1 mech game. I don't know if playing on an arcade stick hurt or helped with this one. I think it's going to take some patience to get used to the controls regardless. But if you can adapt to them, it's absolutely a game worth checking out.