I was excited to play this, but I just didn’t find it enjoyable. I don’t know why. I guess I found the tracks uninteresting and too busy for me. I didn’t like the way the game operated and the controls. The fact Grouchy Smurf wasn’t in it bothered me a little too I guess.

Was decent until they added endless ads

I had been wanting to play this game for many years and finally obtained an emulator to play it. However, I struggle with navigating and get easily confused in games, which made the experience frustrating for me. Emulating a game intended for a different computer caused a lot of lag, and the busy graphics further complicated things for me. Additionally, there was an issue with a memory game in which it was not registering my clicks, preventing me from progressing. I exited the game and upon returning, I discovered that I had lost all of my progress. Unfortunately, I was unable to finish the game, which was disappointing. Not going to try it again or any emulator, as the emulator messed up my entire laptop and I had to reset everything on my laptop. NEVER AGAIN

First Xbox 360 game I bought and even actually only Xbox 360 I even have. I love it so much.

Childhood favourite game. My favourite track was the Great Wall of China track for some reason. I remember feeling so cool when I was able to pass this game!

However, when I tried the PC version yesterday, I found it to be quite different. There were 23 other riders to defeat and the difficulty level was much more intense. I kept losing, as I am not a fan of keyboard controls which made it even harder for me. I only played a little bit, so I am not sure how the game progresses. I am undecided if I will continue playing because the controls are too difficult for me, and I have read that the difficulty remains intense, even on the easy level and near impossible on hard.

edit: so I tried the PC version as well. You can't rate different versions separately on this website. I managed to finish the championship and got to the pocket bike championship. I am not sure if I want to continue. It wasn't very fun and the controls are a challenge, using the keyboard is too much for me. You also have to keep saving it. If you exit to the main screen you lose all your progress. (can't remember this on the playstation version, I never used a memory card but played it all in one go). It isn't as fun as the PlayStation version. In the Playstation version it was easier to control the biker and there were less bikers to defeat. I am also unsure how to get the 2 extra tracks (these just came with the PS version). I think you need to download them off the internet??? 2 stars for computer version.

Bit confused how the wedge system works… ok majorly confused. Also don’t understand some other parts but otherwise pretty fun

I used to play this as an app (potentially on Facebook, I can't recall) and I enjoyed it. However, you needed to be pretty clever. It was basically a kind of game where if you won or did well, you could build onto your kingdom or something ( been a while so I forgot what exactly). I got sick of it, so stopped playing it. About a year or so ago I went to reinstall it and couldn't log in with Facebook or find anyone to play. I left it and tried again months later and discovered the game still didn't let log in with Facebook and the whole game system and graphics are different. (It is account based now, no Facebook). You now have to battle other players in a sword and shield fight. The game has also lost a lot of colour and the players are now solely gold. Such a shame.

Not as good as Xbox 360 version but it has it’s charm.

This one was just okay - it was a rollercoaster of emotions that left me feeling unsettled and on edge. The game is divided into two parts, each more intense than the last. The first part, where you collect thermagems and evade those chilling monster creatures, sent shivers down my spine and made me feel incredibly uneasy. Jukebox Jumbler provided a brief relief, but my lack of skill made it a challenge, just like Ice Breaker

As the game progressed, the once harmless thermagems transformed into LavaRocks, accompanied by monstrous beings resembling cryptoids straight out of a nightmare. The Bridge Builder game is to difficult for me (I can spent so much time doing it. I have never been good at Nouns, Adverbs etc) while RockMuncher added to the unease with its eerie vibe. (same voice of The Snagnets guy in the 3rd Grade Adventures game)
And don't even get me started on Gates of Mount Valdrok - a game so difficult and disturbing that I needed my mother by my side when I first played it as a child, and even now in my thirties. The demon creatures' haunting voices still echo in my mind. It is impossible to conquer the game without her presence due to difficulty. This game is basically 'Worldle'' which I hate!

Why did they choose to infuse these games with such horror and eeriness?
Despite the overall sense of discomfort, my favorite remains the Jukebox game.

Only got to play this for the first time as an adult when I was In my late 20’s. I never could find this in stores as a child. I actually enjoyed this one and didn’t find it too hard. I liked the spelling bridge a lot

Never won it but it was super funny

This game frustrated me greatly. I was unable to progress in the game due to my poor memory skills, which have been a challenge for me since childhood (I struggle with games like Simon). In one particular game, I had to remember about 6 items or more, and I became too frustrated to continue. I have not played the game since around 2012, so I cannot recall any further details. However, I do remember the cute animal characters and I believe there were some customization options available in the game (although I cannot remember exactly what they were).

Finally, I have managed to get this working! As a child, I always wanted to play a Carmen game but was unable to acquire one. This game is the one that has captured my interest as an adult who loves words. I truly enjoy playing this game, as I believe it is aiding me in learning proper spelling.However, the code breaker game is proving to be quite challenging, as it is very difficult to determine the correct order in which to place the letters. Also, sadly, it is American English so that is a problem for me.

This game is okay; it's pretty fun, but I do have some issues with it. Initially, I stopped playing because it was irritating me when I kept losing lives. If you lose all of your lives, you have to start back at level 1, regardless of your previous progress (whether you were at level 12, 20, 5, etc.). This aspect of the game drove me crazy. Eventually, I was able to build up lives and figure out the game, so it wasn't too bad. However, the game play becomes repetitive quickly which made it less fun for me . Nevertheless, it's still a fun game to play if you enjoy Zuma or other marble shooting games.

Very similar to the 6th grade one in terms of difficulty, the game is very challenging. I never liked it - I found it creepy and excessively difficult. Even as an adult in my 30s, I still can't pass it. The graphics and sounds are quite disturbing to me, much like the 6th grade one. I may have potential dyscalculia, so certain parts of the game are too overwhelming for me. The shark wall, or whatever that place is called, drives me insane.