The experience was not very enjoyable. I completed it in about 20 minutes. There are approximately 6 mini games, each lasting only about a minute. Since I am not a young child, it is probably not my idea of entertainment anyways.

This game was quite involved, taking me hours to complete. I found some parts of it to be annoying and somewhat difficult.. so much walking!!!!! and retracing steps. Overall, I would recommend it.

I had the opportunity to play this game for the first time as an adult about two years ago. I truly enjoyed the experience, although it ended too quickly. I believe I would have absolutely adored this game as a child.

I played this for the first time as an adult about 5 years ago. I didn't like it very much. I think because I am out of the age range, which is to be expected. The game was over too quickly for me. The graphics and sounds were lovely though. Just was over far too fast. I felt the similar game Barbie as Princess Bride as more involved and interesting. I would probably feel different if I grew up with it, but I don't have nostalgia to deal with here.

As a child, I played the PC version of the game several times. I wasn't sure when the game was meant to "end," so I was confused and wouldn't recommend it for that reason. It's an endless game that requires you to keep rescuing the same pets. I really enjoyed it at the time. The graphics are quite impressive for its release date, actually quite superb, I think.

I first played this game as an adult about two years ago and really enjoyed it. I am aware that it is not considered a "good" game, but I personally found it enjoyable. I was able to finish it quickly.

I tried this, but upon playing it for a few minutes I felt I was doing absolutely nothing. I watched a video on it, and it seems Barbie just keeps jumping platforms the entire game. That doesn't seem fun.

I tried the PC version and personally hated it. I found it awkward to control Barbie and jump, and the Twyla game drove me crazy. I was getting overly irritated with this and something was bothering me about getting all of Genevieve's sisters, but I forgot what it was. I gave up after a few hours. It just wasn't for me. Shame, because this is one of my favorite Barbie movies

I first played this game about 5 years ago as an adult. I thought it was okay, nothing spectacular. I was impressed by the wide selection of options in fabric and colors available to make your own clothing. I would have loved this as a child.

I played this for the first time as an adult several years ago. I remember finding it difficult and hard to do the tasks. I hated the mini games as well.

I didn't grow up with it, so sadly I have no nostalgia for it. However, I found the game to be quite good, though not great. I particularly enjoyed the artistic aspects of it. Being an arts lover as a child, I would've loved this. I was able to finish it quickly.

I played this game as a child on someone else's computer and badly wanted it for years. Finally, as an adult, I was able to get it running. Unfortunately, it really isn't good. The makeup section is mediocre, but the movie at the end only lasts about 3 seconds and doesn't show everything you did for Barbie (or her friends) during the makeover. I like the nostalgia with it, but it isn't good.

I remember playing this game a lot with my mum when I was around 11 or 12 years old. I never liked the nail part because I felt it was pointless, as it didn't show in the makeover movie at the end; it only showed you doing them by memory. I never found the fashions to be nice; I actually thought they were pretty ugly. The makeup section was okay, but the cucumbers on the eyes did nothing. The hair styles were not nice either.

I have always hated math, so I have avoided this game until now. I decided to try it because I was bored and wanted to be able to say I have played all the Cluefinders games. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy this game. The instructions for playing were vague and the game involving dropping ice cubes was difficult, even on the easy level. It was so challenging that even my mother, who is excellent at math, could not understand it. I ended up just dropping cubes and hoping for the best because I am only capable of very basic math (with the help of a calculator). Fortunately, I was able to pass that level. The clue deduction cube was a bit annoying. For example, one clue said it contains "green," but I was unsure if a small hint of green on an object was significant or not. Once you accuse a person, the game starts over again. I believe I heard the game say "23 more times," which seems absurd to keep repeating the same games 23 times each. I won't play it again.

The opinions on this are generally bad but I don't think it was awful in the strictest sense. I played it a lot as a child and found parts of it good and bad

the bad:
The snowboarding game was far too difficult for me. I always played it with the easier competitor and the easiest snowboard. I did enjoy this mini game however.
The photograph game was unnecessarily hard for me as a child. Looking back on it, it is basically stalking.

The "running" around the mall was awful, it was like slow motion jogging and would bother me how slow they took to go places

the good:
the dance game enabled you to put in your OWN MUSIC to dance to. Not sure how the technology of this worked, but that was awesome!

There was a gambling type game called BONUS BOUTIQUE. I loved this for some reason? It gave you bonuses to make the game easier, though I never noticed them working that much.

Fashion show game. NOT ENOUGH CLOTHING and no customization. I enjoyed it a bit as a child. Too much going back and forth in the dressing room bothered me though.
Restaurant game was pretty entertaining IMO, but controls a little awkward.
Dance game. FAR TOO HARD. I was able to pass it but it involves wildly pushing buttons and it takes a while to finish the song doing this (leads to sore fingers)

Rating 3/5 starts out of 5