November, 2023


3h 45m

After making our way through Kero Sewer defeating Belome and sliding down Midas River we arrived at Tadpole pond. After talking to the elder, finding out about Mallow's past and playing with music our next stop was Rose town, so we made our way over there and found out the town in in trouble. After playing a bit with Gaz we found his Geno doll came to life and entered the forest. After following and finding him he was fighting with a boss named Bowyer. So we helped him got our 2nd star, saved the town and Geno joined our journey! And last thing I did was finding the Yoshi island and racing with Boshi.
After thinking about it for a few days I decided to put this game on hold for now since I am not really enjoying myself that much.

January, 2023


1h 34m

played chapter 10-12 from the story mode. I will shelve the game for now, I just cannot find much enjoyment atm.

August, 2013


57h 17m


All my unlogged hours from this unfinished playthrough that I found on my 3DS.
