The new generation of consoles gave the Hitman series the perfect evolution. A once pretty creative and unique game, Hitman now has been extended to a point where, more than making stealth missions and doing cool, undercover stuff, now it's a big playground to make the most creative assassinations you can ever think of.

On the top of that, the game gives you a great variety of new options, weapons, gadgets and even missions spread across the big maps to play and interact with, making any approach unique and super fun, and complemented by great setups for the missions, from a fashion parade to an undercover terrorist group hidden in a farm on Colorado.

The downside is the fact that, sadly, the game falls a bit short, but fortunately the number of variants you can do per mission makes the replay value stand out a lot.

Amazing game, a pretty compelling story that builds up to the second game, full of amazing, fun and tense moments that only you can make and experiment by yourself.

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2023
