70% of my body is made of videogames. Fighting games enthusiast, cinematic games hater and fantasy RPGs enjoyer. (I'll try to keep everything up to date)
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The universe that The Oldest House and the Federal Bureau of Control presents is full of urban legends, crazy theories and a lot of strangely silly objects.

What Control does with all of this is a marvelous narrative that takes us through iconic and unique places, you can see the inspiration that drives Sam Lake to construct a universe with such an abstract narrative; a story that slowly makes us feel invested in the world around, and at the same time helps the player to slowly connect the dots of what's happening to them and around them masterfully. The game has a lot of backtracking, and it uses it to its advantage, giving you side-quests that help the player progress more quickly to gain better upgrades for each ability and stats, and also giving you amazing short storylines around altered objects, taking you to different places, and making you fight different bosses, which gives the game a pleasantly Metroid-Vania feel.

The combat is something that bothered me in the beginning, but as you begin to collect new power ups that even unlock new abilities by combining them, the combat starts to feel more complex, a big setup of tools to play with and tackle the situations the game gives. It's good enough to make every little encounter feel satisfying, all though it can get repetitive from time to time.

The universe that Remedy is slowly connecting between Control, Alan Wake and Quantum Break is something that is starting to get my attention thanks to games like this. Control was a pleasant surprise, and it makes a great addition to said universe. With a solid gameplay and a great story, Control stands out as a swing back after Quantum Break didn't make the cut.

Tekken has always been a special game for the gaming community. Not only is one of the big three of the fighting game community alongside Street Fighter and currently, Guilty Gear, but it's also a game that revolutionizes the 3D Fighting game genre.

Tekken 8 comes up with a full package, a diverse roaster with amazingly redesigned characters from the series, as well as really flashy newcomers, a somewhat decent story mode with great nostalgia trips from old Tekken games, which is really rare in a fighting game, but it looks like everyone is starting to catch up, and an amazing battle system to duke it out against other players, the online mode has an amazing net-code in comparison to Tekken 7, feels more responsive and performs better overall, but it can be tricky sometimes.

If you're new to the series, Tekken introduces a really well-crafted training mode, with even ghosts you can download to practice matchups and gain a tactical edge against your rivals, it also features a more accessible controller, but in comparison with Street Fighter 6, it doesn't do much to make the game more comfortable to play, and easier to learn and master. Even with that in mind, Tekken is a really interesting game to get into right now, not because it's accessible, but because boosts the creativity and hype you can put on the game when you play against someone else, or even by yourself.

Baldur's Gate 3 stands as one of the biggest achievements in gaming history and mostly for the traditional role playing games. As a game that has almost flawless gameplay, letting its player or players do almost whatever they want, in the most literal way i must add, but its story and characters makes this adventure unique and exciting.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a must play, even if you're not into D&D, turn based combat or high classic fantasy, you're going to enjoy your stay, even if you don't complete your journey, you'll have memorable stories to tell.