Oh dear. I'm so glad there was another review of this that explained that this wasn't the original experience of the game, otherwise I would never have figured out what would have given this series such a long lasting reputation. But yeah, this version has all the best stuff stripped away and leaves you with the most rudimentary experience possible, even for a matching game. I picked it up for $2 on sale and even that feels like too much.

This was neat! I loved the new content best of all - it had the most heart in it, and felt the most complete in terms of an emotional experience. The more you look into finding all the endings (especially the original ones) the more the experience starts to fray apart a little, but the new content pulls it all back in and delivers a pretty satisfying punch.

I looked forward to this game for years. I thought the novelty of the Persona 3 cast dancing with interesting animations and new remixes of the already excellent soundtrack would be an instant win. I'm the prime target audience! And yet here we are, and I really struggled with getting through as much of this game as I did. As someone who loves rhythm game this interface and button layout really did nothing for me, and just trying to keep track of the upcoming inputs was hectic at best. Maybe I've been spoiled by other games in the genre, but I've finally put this down for the final time knowing I won't try the P4 or P5 ones either, even though they came with it. I do love the dancing though.

Honestly the greatest Pokemon game to date? The freedom in the gameplay just shattered my expectations and showed me what this franchise can truly deliver. I love every part of it - the open world roaming, the exploration, catching pokemon outside of battles, the customisation, pulling out your pokemon anywhere, and by god, the shiny hunting. I've never been happier with a Pokemon game, and I don't remember ever having such incredible hope for what they'll do differently next time.

I played this religiously for years, and I have to say it was just what I needed in that time. It's super generous with free resources with constant content and updates. In the end I had to put it down purely because I realised I was trying to "get things done" rather than actually enjoyed playing it anymore, which I think was a huge symptom of the Burst+ era, where none of the content is challenging except for the Hardest mode, which can only be solved in a few ways. Maybe it'll get better in time, but for now I'm happy with the characters I built over the years and how much fun it was watching them grow over time. Extra points for the expanded storyline for games like IX.

I can't get over how great this is. They didn't have to go this hard on a free to play mobile game, but the ever increasing song selection? The storylines? The characters? Even just the gameplay alone is addicting enough to make it worthwhile but everything else just elevates this to the next level.

I was half way through this game thinking, "Wait, why didn't I love this when I first played it?" And then the second half happened and I remembered everything. Those poor devs! It must have been crushing to have to recycle levels and game assets so heavily in the second half of the game, butchering the pacing of a game that otherwise shines so brightly. It looks fantastic, feels great to play, and still have excellent combat to this day. I'm so excited to dig into the extra content and see what else is in here.

This game gave me everything I wanted - generic cleaning and painting for hours on end. It's exactly what I've been looking for and it's so good to wind down with. My only complaints are that some things needed for completion are utterly obscure and not explained anywhere - like tiny light fixtures that you have to be standing directly under and completely lined up with the exact pixel to even get the command to fix it, with no prompts of hints telling you that it's what you're looking for. It's small things like that which make this feel even less complete than it feels like otherwise, but it's still a great experience if you can get around that.

Honestly the best Warriors game I've ever played, and I've played a lot of them. It manages to both steamline and enhance all the best features from Three Houses while also expanding on the lore, characterisation, and storylines of a place you're already well familiar with. Absolutely addicting, it's been a challenge to keep myself from doing all three storylines back to back.

An unforgettable experience with the most addictive and enthralling soundtrack. I haven't stopped listening to this music since I played it. The spotify algorithm hates me for it.

A very cute game with a nice core message! My expectations were a little high since this game is on a lot of "best app game" lists across the internet, so I've been looking forward to it forever. Once I finally got the chance to play it, it was... fine. Not quite as deep or as poignant as had been hyped up, but still a very sweet story about relationships, healing, and self worth. It's clearly connected with a lot of people around the world, which is worth more than relatively moderate experience I had by far.