Not quite as bad as other famously terrible games

I played this game for the memes but I was surprised that it’s not unplayable. I was actually kinda disappointed in that regard.

Obviously, Trigger Man is a budget title. The presentation is unacceptable. No voice acting is the main culprit but there’s also clashing UI and typeface, stock sound effects, and noticeable reuse of assets.

I was expecting Max Payne or Dead to Rights, but instead I got Syphon Filter. There’s a bar that fills up when enemies have line of sight. Once it’s full, the enemies stop missing. The player must break line of sight using level geometry in order to not soak up tons of damage. Dipping in and out of cover while popping off quick headshots is the name of the game.

The moment to moment combat really isn’t that bad. It’s not amazing or anything, but when the game lets you engage with the combat, it can be dumb fun. The problem is this game is ruined by poor set-pieces, lackluster AI, terrible boss encounters, and a difficulty spike that takes the jank up to 100.

The few times you have to dodge around the cops are awful. Trigger Man will straight up tell you what to do the first time and it’s still a nightmare. The cop’s line of sight is ridiculous. Additionally, the bug out frequently causing them to spin in 360° infinitely, resulting in the level being impossible. The forced sniper sections are horrendous. There’s a certain order you’re supposed to take out the bad guys, but it doesn’t seem to follow its own rules occasionally.

All the boss encounters are terrible because the bosses don’t follow the same rules as other opponents. They rush you down and are impossible to not get hit by. There’s a boss in the middle of the game that I had no choice but to cheese by camping next to a health pack as we trade Spas-12 shots to the face.

Over Trigger Man’s 3-5 hour run time, these jank frustrations are common. Some levels like the business building, parking garage, and sewers avoid these annoyances and end up being decent. Trigger Man also features a cool soundtrack. It’s a bit stock and over composed in a few spots, but I found it enjoyable. The Spas-12 in this game is badass. When fired, the whole screen shakes with a thunderous boom. Maybe I’m just trying to be positive but I thought it was cool.

Is Trigger Man a hidden gem? No. Even with the guilt pleasure type of fun I got out of the slow paced Syphon Filter inspired combat, the set-pieces and jank ruin this game. I’ll tell you what Trigger Man is though; significantly better than other infamous 6th generation games such as Batman: Dark Tomorrow, Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis, and Drake of the 99 Dragons.


Reviewed on May 06, 2023

1 Comment

1 month ago

Great Review. Pretty much encapsulates what I felt playing it. It's bad yeah, but it's at least playable till the credits.