It's mostly the same gameplay from the last games except there's guns. I enjoy the time period and setting, and I know a bit more about US history than I did about the history of the first two games, so I enjoyed seeing a lot of historical figures interact within the world. Conner is a bit of a bland character but I enjoyed his story only for how hard it shows him work for it. In 1, Altair was already an assassin when the story starts. In 2, Ezio gets in the brotherhood because of his lineage. So I think in this one watching someone with no ties to the Brotherhood just shows up at their door and has to prove himself worthy. I did find that some of the combat mechanics were a bit clunkier in this one and I'm not entirely sure what causes it. I also don't like the Desmond sections much at all in this one apart from just seeing an assassin in modern day. I don't really like how these games seem to end in spots that don't feel satisfying or conclusive.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2022
