I hereby issue an apology to every PS2 game I've played a half-assed rerelease of or lazily chose not to adjust the settings for on emulator because playing a game with visual direction this good on an actual PS2 was the sickest shit imaginable

Reviewed on May 21, 2024


did you play the international version

27 days ago

@nowitsreyntime17 I played a physical copy of the North American version

27 days ago

Seeing ps2 graphics used as an insult blows my mind because it’s the system that shot this out in 2001.

And even if HD Remaster looks fucked by comparison, it says a lot that the art direction here is still strong enough as a base to keep it nailed down

25 days ago

Hell yeah. Though It should be noted that this was the most expensive game ever made at the time of release.