The game started off pretty questionable in the first chapter, and I didn’t expect it to change, but man was I wrong. The game did an entire 180 and turned out fantastic. It felt surreal to play a new Silent Hill game in 2024 that actually had the vibes of the originals, I loved all the references to the original games as well. The visuals were stunning, the transition to the other world visuals were absolutely fantastic. The cherry blossom monster had such a fantastic design, and the chase segments were engaging and intense. The final chase segment was just great, the visuals gave me vibes of the otherworld hospital in Silent Hill 3, the creature AI was actually well made as well and it did a really good job of trying to catch you and cut you off. Overall this game was such a surprise and it genuinely gives me hope for this franchise’s future. Konami proved that they still have it in them, and both Masahiro Ito, and Akira Yamaoka did amazing jobs as usual, their work is some of the best and most unique in the industry, and I'm really happy to see them back working on this franchise. I love this franchise and seeing it come back like this makes me very excited for the future.

Reviewed on Feb 04, 2024
