Very janky
The Hello Abyss mode is an 3 hour long tutorial that feels tacked on, unfinished and generally makes for a terrible first impression
Deep in Abyss is half fun half frustrating but still miles better than the first mode
The controls are a mess and I spent the first half hour of the game trying to make it comfortable to play in the options
It's fun to explore the abyss when you're going down but if you're trying to go up and you're lacking resources you're gonna have a bad time.
The original story content is fine and I loved seeing more of characters that didn't really have the chance to properly shine in the manga/anime.
As Nanachi once said: "It's not bad, but it's no better than my cooking." and that's how I feel about Made in Abyss: Binary Star Falling into Darkness

Amazing writing as expected from the series, however it's extremely bogged down by repetitive gameplay and locations. Despite taking a more character action direction the combat is too basic to be fun, especially since Raziel and Kain pretty much have the same moveset. The fixed camera was badly implemented and messes with your controls when you try to move stuff.
Even then it was very much worth playing for the story and characters alone and every cutscene were a joy to watch unfold, I just wish everything else was just as good.

Amazing story and voice acting, expanding upon its predecessor's strengths. Its more linear progression with no side content leaves alot to be desired although I quite enjoyed the puzzles this time around since it didn't rely on moving blocks.

Top notch narrative, voice acting and setting but I really really hate block puzzles.