An interesting game with a cool atmosphere and a futuristic aesthetic in which the term cyberpunk truly shines, unlike other games that boast the same aesthetic and rely on the marketing stunt of featuring it in their name. Definitely the selling point of the game, and a really good one at that. The game is demanding in terms of hardware but manages to pull off a visually stunning dark futuristic city. On many occasions, players will find themselves stopping just to admire the tall skyscrapers and neon city lights, which is a significant achievement for a game focused on speed.

In terms of gameplay, it's good but definitely needs some improvements. Abilities feel overpowered, but you can only use them sparingly. Boss fights, in particular, are its weak point. One, in particular, is extremely awkward, and it took me a good amount of time to figure out what I was intended to do, with the game providing no guidance.

Simultaneously, the story is a bit lackluster, predictable, and hard to follow during high-speed parkour sections and when entering rooms full of enemies. Mistakes in these situations can lead to quick deaths.

The soundtrack is fitting and provides the cherry on top of the game. Really solid experience

Comfy rating: 3/10, it's really not so comfy and a bit tense

Played it a lot with friends during the open beta, and honestly felt really mediocre. An artstyle similar to many recent games, characters with no personality that weren't interesting at all, maps looked extremely similar between them and gameplay felt bland and stagnant.

Riot Games made this game for a small minority of hyper competitive players without caring about making a proper videogame with other types of content or incentives. That's why for a casual player like me in terms of multiplayer games felt like a lackluster and content-less game. Only one gamemode, three maps and a roster of forgettable characters. The approach used to mix competitive-shooters with hero-shooters is interesting but the execution was really bad.

Comfy rating: 2/10, tense game with a bit of unfairness added to the blend

Colorful and ageless art style coupled with comfy music. Well designed levels and interesting bosses make this game a good entry point with the right difficulty for the Kirby franchise. Great game and a really good remake of the original Kirby's Adventure. Kirby truly is the best.

Comfy rating: 9/10, mindless adventure with your favorite pink ball.

Great tracks: Flying Boat, Butter Building and Ice Cream Island