doom is, well, doom. it's not what created the fps genre (hello, wolfenstein), but it sure did make pc gaming mainstream. the levels still hold up years later, from e1m1 which i know like the back of my hand, to the finale of thy flesh consumed, e4m8. replaying all of these was pretty great, albeit slightly boring due to the amount of times i've played this game

(for this playthrough i used prboom+)

duke nukem 3d is an unforgettable classic of the fps genre, and duke is the king of all fps protagonists. while having its low moments in lunar apocalypse, i loved this game on my first playthrough and it's a blast to revisit every once in a while.

deus ex is an absolute masterpiece. it is the best game of all time, period. there are zero exceptions. get outta here with ocarina of time or chrono trigger, this is up & down the definition of the word "kino". everyone should play this, even if immersive sims are not your thing.

oh, and of course "what a shame".

i just recently beat this game again. it's one of my favorite stealth games of all time. its much more difficult than contracts or blood money but it does have a lot of jank-ish charm to it.