What a magical experience. I believe that after this entry, this series deserves to be up there with Mario, Zelda, and the like. Nintendo has perfected the Pikmin experience existing as a genre-bending one-of-a-kind type of game that, unlike Metroid, has very few games that have been made in its image.

I played 35 hours of this game and keeping in mind it’s a linear story game, it’s an insane amount of content that is only rivaled by BOTW and TOTK in terms of first-party Nintendo games I’ve played. An overall masterpiece that was a joy to play every second. This series needs more entries, and I eagerly await the reveal of Pikmin 5 which will hopefully take less than 10 years this time.

My only complaints are one, the bosses aren’t amazing. This seems unpopular but I prefer the cinematic bosses of Pikmin 3. There’s one boss in this game like that at the end and it’s such a good fight, makes me yearn for more. And my second complaint is the reliance on Dandori challenges. They make me stressed and I don’t really enjoy them. At least not as much as the base game. It’s a fun distraction that I wish wasn’t as prevalent.

Also, Oatchi NEEDS to be in the next Smash!

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024
