Honestly this shit pissed me off. It's like the intentionally tried to make this game as shit as possible to piss of fans/players.

They actually removed everything that made the original game a classic and replaced it with....???

> Fast paced attacks and combos replaced with animations half as smooth and twice as slow
> Removed buying new moves from the shop so you're stuck with fucking stinger and high time FOR THE WHOLE GAME.
> Voice acting is still awful but now it's just plain bad instead of charming like the first game
> Simple but effective story of the first game is somehow stripped down to be even more bare bones with one of the worst villains I've ever witnessed.
> Changed Dante's character from cheeky and charismatic to a boring, generic stoic 'bad ass'.

Even though Lucia's gameplay is far better than Dante's I couldn't bring myself to play though this garbage again. At least the game was short I guess...

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2023
