83 reviews liked by Blackhogg

funny cube game but it's actually pretty good (unironically)

Should've been base game or free DLC.

Should've been base game or free DLC.

they stole the SNES9x emulator, repackaged it with the first two Bubsy games, then sold it for $4.99

imagine selling roms for two crappy games running in snes9x

EDIT: so apparently piko interactive was responsible for this rerelease which honestly Explains A Lot.

how the fuck do you make spidey's swinging THAT BAD?!?!?

even epic games made better spidey swinging, this is just a shame.

I think I played the wrong the last of us

Easy plat, that's the only reason anyone is playing it - It could have been worse but probably couldn't have been better.

made me realize i don't like strive afterall

Sex 2