Executes on a really fun and creative idea with its short runtime. Controlling a bullet in the air to shoot your way through an entire group in slow motion never stops being an engaging challenge where you must building an understanding of the game's puzzle box like three-dimensional spaces. The pacing is amazingly done, the game knows exactly when to throw a new mechanic into the mix or give a curveball minigame level and it ends just as the main concept feels as though it is being stretched as far as it can go without breaking the fun. The presentation is stylish and evocative, the visuals rarely dropping the deep, moody blues, pinks and purples it is drenched in, while the bright yellows of the enemies aid the clarity of the player's view. The cutscenes and audio both have a scratchy, grimy and distorted quality that gives the game a uniquely harsh outer sheen while the gameplay remains as clean as ever. Really glad I picked it up.

Reviewed on May 09, 2024
