Children of the Sun

Children of the Sun

released on Apr 09, 2024

Children of the Sun

released on Apr 09, 2024

Burning with anger, The girl wages a one-woman war against the cult, taking them down cultist by cultist, bullet by bullet, until she reaches her true target: the leader. Along the way she will unravel the dark truth about this mysterious order and the atrocities committed by them in the name of their master. In this tactical third-person puzzle-shooter you assume control of one bullet, guiding it through increasingly complex and challenging levels to kill cultists, trigger traps, and reshape the environment. Every shot counts and ruthless precision is rewarded. Taking down the cult is deeply satisfying; doing it with style even more so.

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pas mal surtout vers la fin, mais je m'attendais a plus marquant. les mécaniques les plus intéressantes mettent du temps a arriver

Siento que le falta un algo en cuanto a gameplay y no acabo de pillar la historia del todo, pero el resto lo han clavado y la idea es buenísima

game 2 of my anxiety saga (game 3 was dawntrail)

played this at what was arguably the peak of my anxiety episode. fucking hell it would be extremely dumb of me if i thought about games solely on their fun factor wouldn't it? i don't think i had fun even once, no actually i don't think i want to ever see this game in front of me ever again some horrible terrible memories have been ingrained into it and the aesthetics and how aggressive it was did not help. this was the textbook definition of playing the wrong game at the wrong time (a notion i'm always surprised at how barely i see people take it into account when they hate something, i guess people don't like thinking it could be an issue with them and not the game itself)

fun is a feeling, it's as much of a feeling as dread is, and happiness, and understanding and anger, it's not indicative of quality no, Reggie is wrong. actually he was always wrong he was a CEO and a spokesperson why would he ever be right. i feel stupid it took me so long to understand this.

there's no objectivity in art, what you get is dialogue. not in a "art needs to teach" way no only the most insufferable unimaginative people ever think that art needs to teach, when art itself is devoid of "need" it only "is", it speaks to the void and some willing people listen. children of the sun had things to say and i like a lot of them, even though i didn't have fun, even though this was probably the worst experience i've ever had with a videogame and it was absolutely not the game's fault. sometimes this just happens, whatever score i'm giving only pertains to me it only makes sense to me and it's not for anyone else. people say i'm a good listener and maybe that's why i like games so much, i like listening to what 1 or 400 people have to say to me, and a lot of the time it's interesting stuff!

First off, wild game to be playing and then find out that an assassination attempt happened and the sniper barely missed. Truly... odd.

That aside, a really engaging puzzle shooter that rewards you for thinking freely. The last level can be a bit of a slog with resets. But the game doesn't overstay it's welcome. Didn't care too much for the lore, but the puzzle design was super fresh and fun.

A pretty fun puzzle game wrapped in a pretty fun sniper game. Looks kinda grimy and gross, but I think it adds to the vibe that it's trying to give off.

Very short but enjoyable, you may want to stare at a plain white wall for an hour or so after though as this game is how i imagine drinking a concoction of every monster energy drink at once would make you see the world